What to Do if You Are Sick – information from the CDC
Steps for presenting the spread of Covid-19 if you are sick – information from the CDC.
Resources for Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The following guidance, recommendations, and resources are provided by child trauma experts at Child Trends and the Child Trauma Training Center at the University of Massachusetts.
Three Ways to Boost Your Resilience as a Parent
Parents need support during these difficult times just like kids do. Here are a few self-care tips for adults.
Your Mental Health and Wellbeing – Working Remotely During Covid-19
Advice for maintaining your mental health from the American Psychiatric Association.
Health Care Toolbox
Health Care Toolbox, a Center for Pediatric Traumatic Stress website, now has information and resources to help healthcare staff and families manage the stress/psychological impact of COVID-19. Healthcare professionals will find information on how stress caused by the pandemic impacts them, how to build coping and resilience skills, and signs of secondary traumatic stress. Families will find information on how parents can help their children cope, downloadable tip sheets, and additional resources.
Mental Healthcare Package for Pediatric Practices
Links to pediatric clinical and mental health resources.
Massachusetts COVID-19 Symptom Check and Support
Check your symptoms and learn where to access help if you think you may have COVID-19
Safe Link
Safe Link is expanding their services and outreach for survivors and victims of domestic violence. They are available through Mass 2-1-1 and at 877-785-2020.
Health Literacy Project COVID-19 Fact Sheets
COVID-19 fact sheets are available in 40 different languages.
Behavioral Health Resources
Information from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.
Free Choice Recovery Coaching
Free support for individuals in substance use recovery.
We All Need Help Sometimes – Public Information Campaign Graphics
Graphics and flyers to help educate about resources and supports that are available.
Future without Violence Tip Sheet
Resources and information to support people living in fear
Using good hygiene and staying away from large crowds (such as 50 or more people) are just two things you can do to try to avoid getting this virus. This flyer (in English and Spanish) from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health provides more tips for staying healthy (visit this link to access the flyer in different languages ). These are good habits to use even for the general flu season.
Learn to Cope
Resources and supports for individuals and families dealing with addiction and recovery.
Massachusetts Certified Intimate Partner Abuse Education Programs
Information on programs available across the state.
MassSupport Network – How We can Help
MassSupport Network provides community outreach and support services to residents of all ages in response to the unprecedented public health crisis, COVID-19. Info in English. Info in Spanish. Info in Creole.
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