Check out these upcoming groups, classes, and more happening at the Cape Cod FRC!

Parenting in America: This is for Brazilian Portuguese speakers! At Parenting in America, a small group of parents and caregivers meet for two hours a week for 12 weeks. The program includes activities, discussions, and activities for parents and caregivers who immigrate to the United States and bring with them a wealth of parenting strengths—drawing on culture, tradition, and family experience—but living in a multicultural environment can be challenging. This starts on April 7 at 4:30 p.m. at the Cape Cod Family Resource Center (29 Bassett Ln Hyannis, MA 02601). Dinner is provided. Call to register at (508) 815-5100.

Moms’ United Support Group: Every Tuesday from 4 to 5 p.m. This is a wonderful group of moms gathers to share stories, support each other, and have some good laughs. It’s a fun and friendly time!

Saint Patrick’s Day DIY Kit: Between March 11 and 17, stop by the Cape Cod FRC office to get your kit and have fun! A limited quantity is available.

Click to see the flyer

Dads’ Talk: Join the Cape Cod FRC every second Tuesday of the month for a friendly get-together with fellow dads in our digital space! We’d be thrilled to have you with us. It’s an excellent opportunity to connect and share experiences. Paul Melville, LICSW, a supportive facilitator and proud father of three, lead the group.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Every third Tuesday of the month, a wonderful group of grandparents comes together for a cozy two-hour meeting. It’s a warm space where they can share support, understanding, and wisdom. It’s all about building connections and helping each other out! Dinner and childcare are provided.

Click to see the flyer

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